w3-light-gray {
w3-justify,div {
w3-xlarge,w3-center,w3-text-black,h4 {
text: "Welcome to the development site for https://www.datafault.net!"
br { }
br { }
w3-padding,w3-margin,w3-mobile, w3-twothirds, div {
h2 { text: "What is this page?"}
div {
text: "This is where the magic happens before going live. There is testing, changes, and a whole range of other things including content modification and even sometimes pentesting. "
br {}
div {
text: "it is not uncommon to come across broken links, page elements, and even parts of the site having been hacked after an experimental feature goes wrong."
br {
text: "We use a dev site in order to ensure that everything that goes onto the main page is as secure as possible and free from vulnerabilities as we try to find them all here on the dev site first."
div {
text: "If you think you have identified any vulnerabilities, please feel free to hack in and leave a pleasant messsage (or unpleasant if you so choose). We back things up regularly so no big deal if you destroy everything."
br {
text: "We only ask that you refrain from DDoS attacks as those negatively impact our hosting provider, which we not want to do as other legitimate sites will be affected. We will not hesitate to submit information related to DDoS or brute force attacks to the ISP providers used in such attacks who may decide to press charges."