w3-main,div {
w3-container {
w3-xxxlarge,w3-text-red,w3-bottombar,h1 {
b {
text: "Services"
w3-row-padding,div {
w3-half,w3-margin-bottom,div {
w3-ul,w3-light-grey,w3-center,ul {
w3-dark-grey,w3-xlarge,w3-padding-32,li {
text: "Standard"
w3-padding-16 {
li {
text: "wordpress base theme with page builder (unmodified)"
li {
text: "page builder / layout creation plugins"
li { text: "Responsive Across Devices" }
li { text: "Custom Brand Graphics" }
li { text: "SEO Optimization Strategies" }
li { text: "Easy Content Management" }
li { text: "E-commerce Setup" }
li { text: "Social Media Integration" }
li { text: "Performance Analytics Setup" }
li { text: "Seamless UX Design" }
li {
h2 {
text: "$150"
w3-opacity,span {
text: "1 to 10 pages"
w3-half,w3-margin-bottom,div {
w3-ul,w3-light-grey,w3-center,ul {
w3-red,w3-xlarge,w3-padding-32,li {
text: "PRO"
w3-padding-16 {
li { text: "Advanced Responsive Themes" }
li { text: "Premium Custom Plugins" }
li { text: "High-Level SEO Tactics" }
li { text: "Dynamic Content Personalization" }
li { text: "WooCommerce Integration" }
li { text: "Access to Page Builder" }
li { text: "Page Builder in Posts" }
li { text: "Custom Layout" }
li { text: "Custom CSS" }
li {
text: "Custom Widget Areas / Sidebars"
li { text: "Custom Functionality" }
li { text: "Deep Analytics Insights" }
li { text: "Professional Copywriting Services" }
li { text: "Expert UX/UI Design" }
li {
h2 {
text: "$250"
w3-opacity,span {
text: "1 to 30 pages"